Action Research
This site has been developed as a web-based learning object for educators looking for resources for designing their own action research projects.
The model of action research adopted by the website is characterised in the diagram by a constellation of key elements that focuses on sustaining whole school reform for improving student achievement.
The site has been developed specifically for classroom teachers but we hope that other educators can borrow and bend the ideas to their specific sites or institutions.
The site has different types of resources, including webpages, readings, action research planning templates, ideas for different types of data, and plans for whole of school professional learning activities. Our starting point involves the following propositions:
- The whole school is the site for sustainable reform.
- The key focus for any reform initiative should be improving student achievement in mainstream classrooms.
- Improving student achievement in mainstream classrooms requires re-designing practice, or more precisely, re-designing curriculum and pedagogy.
- Improving student achievement demands that students are set challenging and engaging learning tasks.
- Action research provides a reputable model for rigorous and systematic professional development for teachers who are committed to changing their classroom practices.
- Improving student achievement can be enhanced if strong versions of ‘student voice’ are enacted in schools, and especially in classrooms.
- A sustainable whole school reform initiative requires ‘educational’ leadership.