The purpose of this website is to provide a web-based resource for school leaders and educators who are interested in becoming culturally responsive.

It has been produced out of two Australian Research Council funded studies: Toward an Australian Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Culturally Responsive Schooling.

Culturally Responsive School Leadership

Culturally responsive leadership is required to drive and sustain a culturally responsive school. This requires ‘educational’ leadership, which here is defined in terms such as ‘instructional leadership’, ‘leading learning’, ‘curriculum leadership’ and ‘pedagogical leadership’. This work is often distributed in schools. Professional learning for a CRP (such as action research) needs to draw on five key ideas.

Please click on the diagram above to read more about the five key ideas for leading professional learning.

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

We use the term culturally responsive pedagogy here as a key word that invokes a series of debates and practices for educators who are responding to the demands of super-diverse classrooms, or who are committed to improving learning for Indigenous students.

For the purposes of this website, we use the term culturally responsive pedagogy to refer to those pedagogies that actively value, and mobilise as resources, the cultural repertoires and intelligences that students bring to the learning relationship.

Please click on the diagram above to read more about the five key ideas for a culturally responsive pedagogy.

All aspects of this research were part of the Centre for Research in Education and Social Inclusion

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