Other Contexts and Resources
Other Contexts
Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Early Childhood Pedagogies (Assoc Prof Jamie Sisson et al)
Centre for Research in Educational and Social Inclusion
Red Dirt Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy (Dr Sam Osborne et al)
PDF 1 – Red Dirt Curriculum: Re-imagining Remote Education
PDF2 – Teachers guide to myths about remote Communities and schooling
Culturally Responsive Red Dirt Curriculum: Re-Imagining Remote Education
Culturally Responsive Pedagogies and the Muslim Learner: A Professional Learning Opportunity for Educators Committed to Equity and Excellence.
Dr Sam Osborne
Red Dirt Curriculum
Dr John Guenther
Our Languages Matter, Kulinin? Reimagining remote education through Red Dirt Thinking
Dr Sam Osborne and Karina Lester
(1) Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Literacy modules
(2) Kulini – teacher orientation modules
Password: Tj@la
(3) NAC painting and explanation link
(4) First Language Footy resources
(5) Iwiri first language app and songbook
Links to download the Iwiri app:
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/iwiri/id1623307819
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tantzygames.iwirichoir&hl=en&pli=1
Password: kalaya (early years collection)
: tjulpu (Ngaanyatjarra early years collection)
: tinka (older years collection)
(6) Video link – Red Dirt Curriculum: Re-Imagining Remote Education
(7) E-book – Red Dirt: A Compilation of Learnings from the Remote Education Systems Project (pdf)
Guenther, J., Disbray, S., & Osborne, S. (2016). Red dirt education: a compilation of learnings from the Remote Education Systems project. Retrieved from
(7) E-book – Red Dirt: A Compilation of Learnings from the Remote Education Systems Project (pdf)
Guenther, J., Disbray, S., & Osborne, S. (2016). Red dirt education: a compilation of learnings from the Remote Education Systems project. Retrieved from
(8) Video link – Minutjukur, M. (2014). Focus on development initiative
Key Forum Address, Garma 2014.
(9) PDF link to article:
Minutjukur, M., Patterson, V., Anderson, S., Gibson, F., Kitson, M., Martin, B., . . . Larry, R. (2014). Voices from the ‘Red Dirt’ on Education. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues (Special Edition – Red Dirt Research in Remote Australia), 17(4), 158-163
Guenther , J, and S Osborne. 2020. “Choice-less Choice for Rural Boarding Students and their Families.” Australian and International Journal of Rural Education 30 (2):111-26. https://journal.spera.asn.au/index.php/AIJRE/article/view/257/290
Guenther , J. 2019. “Taken for a ride? How the education vehicle breaks down for First Nations people.” In EduResearch Matters. Australian Association for Research in Education. https://www.aare.edu.au/blog/?p=3991
Guenther, J. 2019. “Evidence on what doesn’t work for very remote schools (attendance strategies) and what does.” In EduResearch Matters. Australian Association for Research in Education. https://www.aare.edu.au/blog/?p=4797
Guenther, J, Melodie Bat, Anne Stephens, Janet Skewes, Bob Boughton, Frances Williamson, Sandra Wooltorton, Mel Marshall, and Anna Dwyer. 2017. “Enhancing training advantage for remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners.” In. Adelaide: NCVER. https://www.ncver.edu.au/publications/publications/all-publications/enhancing-training-advantage-for-remote-aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-learners
Guenther, J, T Benveniste, M Redman-MacLaren, D Mander, J McCalman, M O’Bryan, S Osborne, and R Stewart. 2020. “Thinking with theory as a policy evaluation tool: The case of boarding schools for remote First Nations students.” Evaluation Journal of Australasia 20 (1):34-52.
Guenther, John, Kevin Lowe, Catherine Burgess, Greg Vass, and Nikki Moodie. 2019. “Factors contributing to educational outcomes for First Nations students from remote communities: A systematic review.” Australian Educational Researcher 42 (Special issue. Aboriginal voices: Systematic reviews of indigenous education):319-40.
Guenther, J, and S Osborne. 2020. “Did DI do it? The impact of a programme designed to improve literacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in remote schools.” The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 49 (2):163-70.
Wilks, J, A Dwyer, S Wooltorton, and J Guenther 2020. “‘We got a different way of learning.’ A message to the sector from Aboriginal students living and studying in remote communities.” Australian Universities Review 62 (2):25-38. https://www.nteu.org.au/article/%E2%80%98We-got-a-different-way-of-learning.%E2%80%99-A-message-to-the-sector-from-Aboriginal-students-living-and-studying-in-remote-communities-%28AUR-62-02%29-22295
Culturally Responsive and Enabling Pedagogies in Higher Education
Enabling pedagogy and Action research in higher ed
Approaches to teaching and engaging students from refugee backgrounds in Enabling Programs’
Dr Snjezana Bilic (UniSA), Dr Heidi Hetz (UniSA) and Dr Victoria Wilson (UniSQ):
Culturally and Religiously Responsive Pedagogy (Assoc Prof Nadeem Memon et al)
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and the Muslim learner
Culturally Responsive Pedagogies and the Muslim Learner: A Professional Learning Opportunity for Educators Committed to Equity and Excellence.
Dr Nadeem Menom, Lecturer Dylan Chown